First of all, WE BELIEVE
that God is love.
Like most Protestant churches, we affirm the “priesthood of all believers.” More than most, we trust you to think for yourself – in effect, to be your own priest. As such, you’re free to talk directly to God, read scripture, and decide for yourself what it all means. And, you are responsible to God alone for your behavior and beliefs. But, good news! You’ll never have to actually be alone. At Augusta Heights, we promise to love you as God has loved us.

OUR Leadership
is close to Divine.
Greg Dover
Husband. Dad. Preacher. Teacher. Foodie.
Wanna be Singer.

Eric Bebber
Associate Pastor
Dad of 2. Husband of 1. Fisherman. Affordable housing advocate. Eternal Student. 9w1.
Gayle Quay
Children's Minister
Youth Advocate. Mainer. Educator.
Black Lab mom. Grandmother.

Meisha whitlock
Music Minister
Mom. Musician.
Pianist extraordinaire.
Sarah Byars
Church administrator
Mom. Reader.
Chef. Organizer. Coffee Lover.

Jim Davis
Dad. Organist.
Numbers guy.
Artistic Director Emeritus, GGMC.
Jackie Zender
Pre-K Leader
Grandmom. Baker. Explorer. Educator. Crafter.

Nursery Caregiver
Mom. Grandma. Advocate. Traveler.
Feel free to join us
as we seek truth, praise god,
and love our neighbors.
Each And every one.

How Giving gives life
At Augusta Heights, giving is the fuel that powers every ministry, every service, every light bulb. We rely on members for regular, sustainable financial support.
You can give via mail, automatic deposit, text, “direct deposit” of cash or checks into the offering plate, or by clicking the button below to give online.
Is Augusta Heights one of those contemporary warehouse churches?Not so much. If you grew up Baptist, AHBC will feel pretty normal to you — except for the non-judgmental acceptance of just about everyone.
What are the worship services like?Worship at Augusta Heights is warm and welcoming, and we usually get done in about an hour! We try to be creative and use a variety of elements including old hymns, newer songs, visual displays, and art. Worship is also participatory, with congregational readings, prayers, and singing. Usually we have about 100-120 people in the worship service.
What’s the dress code?What dress code? Be yourself. Wear what makes you feel good. Just so you know, neckties and high heels are more the exception than the rule — and are rarely worn together!
Do you make visitors stand up?Nope. You don’t have to sing either, unless the Spirit moves you. But don’t be surprised if people smile at you or try to chat you up. We can’t help ourselves.
What do I do with my kids?When you arrive, someone will be glad to help you find your way to the nursery. Once there, your child can learn and play in a safe, fun, caring environment just a few steps from the sanctuary. Sunday School starts at 9:30 am for preschoolers, children, and youth. During worship service, children ages three and up come to the sanctuary participate in our children's message. Afterward, the youngest kids can go to their worship care rooms while children five and up worship with the rest of us. BTW: Grab a children's worship bag with items that will get the kids involved with the worship service. (Hanging on the wall by the main doors.)
Where should I park? How do I get in the building?We hold our worship services in the chapel, and we have signs out on Sunday mornings to help you find your way. There’s a good-size parking lot to the left of the large sanctuary, or you can park in the smaller lot on the right side of our buildings. Fair warning: we have greeters at the door. (Don’t worry, they won’t bite!).
How does Augusta Heights observe the Lord’s Supper?We practice open table Communion, which simply means that all are welcome to partake. The way we see it, it’s Christ’s table, not ours. Who are we to withhold the Bread of Life?
What's the deal with baptism?At Augusta Heights, we happily dunk new members who make a profession of faith. (You’ll see the baptistry behind the choir loft.) But we also recognize the baptisms of other traditions. So if you’ve been sprinkled, poured, dunked, or otherwise baptized, you’re welcome to join AHBC – and you don't have to be baptized "our way.” How wet you get is entirely up to you.
Who’s in charge?Good question. Like all Baptist churches, Augusta Heights is independent, self-supporting, and governed by its own members, who vote on all important decisions. (Like who will serve as deacons, for instance.) Our nine-member board of deacons oversees staff, finances, and other church matters.